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Alpha Hippie Angelo Sisco Interview with Aaron Guyett


About Angelo Sisco
Angelo Sisco is an international speaker, guide, and head coach at Alpha Hippie. Angelo has dedicated himself to empowering men who are overwhelmed and are stuck in a cycle of stress and burnout. Angelo has helped thousands of men reconnect to their mission and rebuild their lifestyle so they can enjoy their lives and get back to crushing it both personally and professionally. 

About Alpha Hippie


Our coaches have been through their own challenges in overcoming their limitations, just like you.

As a team, we have worked with men of all walks of life – entrepreneurs, CEO’s, professional athletes, consultants and everyday people.

In fact, most of our clients are regular guys who want to get over their old BS and finally start living a fulfilling life they are proud to live.



Connect with Angelo & Alpha Hippie:

Website | https://www.iamalphahippie.com/

Instagram |@iamalphahippie

Facebook | ...

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Top 5 Bodyweight Exercises to Burn Fat

  1. Squat Jump
  2. Lunge/Split Squat
  3. Deck Squat
  4. Mountain Climber
  5. Kicksit

Squat Jump

If you are just beginning we will just reach for the sky and come up on our tip-toes. If you are ready for more, we are going to focus more on keeping quality form and control during the landing. For advanced practitioners, you are going to increase the depth and height of your jump.




Slow Lunge - Stepping Lunge - Lunge Jump Switch

Deck Squat

Slow Deck Squat with Assistance - Smooth Deck Squat - Explosive Deck Squat

Mountain Climber

Slow Stepping - Jumping from Position to Position - Add Speed


Slow and steady - speed it up - as fast as possible!


If you are looking for a fitness program to burn fat and build muscle but you don't have much space to workout, check out Minimum Space Athlete here: https://www.living.fit/minimum-space-athlete-perfect-for-you

By: Aaron Guyett, M.A., B.S., CSCS, TSAC-F, FRAs, FRCms

Education Director and Master Coach of Battle Ropes

Check out...

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Coach Jordan Harder Interview with Aaron Guyett


Jordan Harder is an athlete, coach and sneaker head. He studied Sports Psychology and Pre-Physical Therapy, while playing Lacrosse at Pacific Lutheran University.  

He helps people optimize and transform their life, not just through fitness, but with the mindsets, skill sets, and strategies needed to reach their goals. He is on a mission to show his clients that the only limits we have are the ones we put on ourselves.

Jordan Harder owns Harder Performance. Harder Performance is high-level coaching that will help you transform your fitness.  Harder’s coaching system is more than just a fitness routine...  he works with clients to help improve their mindsets, skillsets, and habits.



Harder Performance IS NOT…

For people thinking  who think they'll get results in a week.

A quick fix.

A cookie cutter training and nutrition program.

A restrictive/all or nothing approach to training and nutrition.

Harder Performance IS...

A proven system...

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Dr. Andy Galpin Interview with Aaron Guyett


Director of Education: Andy is a tenured Professor in the Center for Sport Performance at CSU Fullerton. He was born and raised in beautiful Rochester, WA and is a die-hard Seahawks, Huskies, & Mariner fan. RIP Sonics. As a youth, Andy played every sport at his disposal, excelling at Football, Basketball, Baseball, and Track & Field. While not playing, he worked at grocery stores, gas stations, hay fields, blueberry farms, and in the road construction business. It was during this time he discovered Strength & Conditioning. 



Andy took his limited talents to Linfield College to join their Football team and pursue a degree in Exercise Science. While he experienced great success in both (2004 National Championship and 2x Captain and immediate inductee into the "All Ugly" Team), the true reward of this time was the meeting of lifelong friend (Doug Larson). The two fed each other's pursuit of knowledge of human performance and led them to attend the...

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Kelly Matthews Interview with Aaron Guyett


A Little Bit From Kelly Matthews

I’m originally from the Boston area but I moved to Austin, Texas this January (I love it!). I grew up a very active kid and ended up focusing on soccer in high school and then went on to play Division 1 at Northeastern University--the third of my siblings to do so. I got my personal training certification shortly after graduating and started my first training job at Equinox Sports Club. I spent almost 7 years with Equinox before making the decision to start my own business. Since then I’ve been working virtually and growing my online business while enjoying lovely Austin, playing futsal, raising a dog and a kitten and swinging lots of kettlebells.



My work has changed so much in the last year! I was training exclusively in-person for a really long time and like many other trainers, I quickly pivoted to virtual training when the pandemic hit. I thought I would hate it, but I actually loved having the ability to still connect...

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Why is Mobility Important for Training?


Jumping into a workout without some kind of warmup is about as smart as starting your car and then hitting the pedal to the medal. When it comes to warming up there are many ways to give it a go. From some light calisthenics, to steady state cardio, to warm up sets before big lifts, but our favorite is joint mobility training. 

Mobility training through dynamic joint mobility drills or using a more in depth system such as FRC will prepare and lubricate the joints before putting them through the rigors of strength training. 

Mobility drills allow you to assess where your body is at the given time so you have a map to move through. It’s not just about your muscles, ligaments, and tendons. It’s also about your nervous system so putting each joint complex through the ranges you feel comfortable with will allow you to push harder through your session or scale back where you should. 

It’s important to find the capacity that you have so that you...

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On The Line: Baltimore Ravens All Pro OT Ronnie Stanley


In this week's edition of On the Line, Tommy sits down with Baltimore Raven All Pro OT Ronnie Stanley. Two talk about when we young lineman accept the lineman life, how Call of Duty servers build character, and what Ronnie says to Lamar when he allows a sack.

Check out more On The Line Episodes and interviews and articles from Marcus Martinez and Aaron Guyett in the blog, or get full versions by subscribing to our membership here:  https://www.living.fit/kettlebell-workout-plans-and-memberships

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Rachel Prairie Interview with Aaron Guyett


Rachel Prairie, NASM-CPT, Reiki, FAI, PPSC, Living.Fit

Anytime Fitness Manager of Exercise Programming

15 years as a fitness professional Rachel loves to help people connect to themselves, each other and the planet in order to get healthy and stay healthy. As Manager of Exercise Programming for Self Esteem Brands – Anytime Fitness, the largest fitness franchise in the world, she trains trainers and provides operations, technology, advocacy and services to make healthy happen for people across the globe. Rachel is an entrepreneur who’s operated Prairie Fitness for over 10 years and runs wellness retreats, localized pop-up fitness classes, and hosts online kettlebell certifications through the Functional Aging Institute.

Watch the FULL 40 minute interview here: https://www.living.fit/products/living-fit-multimedia/categories/1922292/posts/2151302563

Check out more interviews and articles from Marcus Martinez and Aaron Guyett in the blog, or get full versions by...

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Got Coffee?


Pre workout coffee intake can increase fat burning during exercise. BUT before you fill up your cup for your next workout, keep reading because there are a couple important considerations you should pay attention to.

Coffee is an antioxidant and has compounds that are beneficial for your health and reduce the risk of certain diseases.. On top of that, a recent study just came out shedding light on how caffeine intake of 3mg/kg pre exercise can increase fat oxidation during exercise. 

While all of this is great, there are a few individual circumstances where coffee may not be beneficial. For example, caffeine interferes with estrogen metabolism, so if you have high estrogen levels you may need to cut back on the caffeine. You may also need to cut back if you experience anxiousness, jitters or...hate to say it, but if you rely on caffeine to get you going in the morning/throughout the day, it may be a good idea to slowly decrease the amount you’re consuming.



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3 Common Mistakes with the Kettlebell Swing


The Kettlebell is a dynamic exercise that will build a stronger, more powerful athlete. With great power comes....you know where I’m going.

The responsibility lies on your shoulders to make sure you make the most from the movement without injuring yourself or your client. Here are three common mistakes that most new trainees make with kettlebell swings and how to fix them.



Mistake #1: Lacking stability in your feet.

Whether you’re swinging from a bilateral stance or performing walking swings, staggered swings, etc. you want to make sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground. As the weight is moving it’s constantly trying to move your center of gravity with it. This is why it’s important to use shoes that are thin enough to create a strong connection between your feet and the floor. Practice rooting your  entire foot and toes into the ground before you do anything ballistic. Feel the connection throughout your lower limbs all the way...

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