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3 Common Mistakes with the Kettlebell Swing


The Kettlebell is a dynamic exercise that will build a stronger, more powerful athlete. With great power comes....you know where I’m going.

The responsibility lies on your shoulders to make sure you make the most from the movement without injuring yourself or your client. Here are three common mistakes that most new trainees make with kettlebell swings and how to fix them.



Mistake #1: Lacking stability in your feet.

Whether you’re swinging from a bilateral stance or performing walking swings, staggered swings, etc. you want to make sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground. As the weight is moving it’s constantly trying to move your center of gravity with it. This is why it’s important to use shoes that are thin enough to create a strong connection between your feet and the floor. Practice rooting your  entire foot and toes into the ground before you do anything ballistic. Feel the connection throughout your lower limbs all the way...

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Lateral Waves for Every Combat Athlete


If you are looking for one exercise to rule them all, and you are a combat athlete, might I suggest the Battle Ropes Latera Waves.

You see combat athletes need INCREDIBLE POWER in their transverse plane, whether they are kicking, punching, throwing, or grappling, they will be dominated without rotational power.



The lateral wave is the same rotational movement that is involved in any of those combat sports feats. The mover is using her ground force reaction starting at the foot and ending at the fingertips to generate the most power-packed human movement possible.

You can train rotation with lateral waves in all three metabolic pathways:

  • Power (Alactic or Phosphagen) - for those knock-out hooks, body shots, kicks or throws that make the crowd go wild. Use 5 to 10 seconds of max effort followed by 1 to 3 minutes of rest for 3 to 10 rounds.
  • Strength (Lactic or Glycolytic) - for overpowering your opponent, and ensuring your pressure game is on point. Use 20 to 40 seconds...
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Top 5 Kettlebell Moves for Combat Athletes



Strength and conditioning workouts for combat athletes have unique requirements. They should build the fighter’s strength in multiple planes and positions with an emphasis on grip and core strength, shoulder stability, and overall body awareness. Here are five movements that will strengthen you from head to toe, build your rotational power, increase your hip speed, and help you crush your enemies. Assuming you know how to fight. 


1. Staggered Alternating Rotational Swing 

Learning how to build power from the staggered position will carry over into just about every sport. Combine this with the benefits of the swing which include building glute and core strength, hip speed and power. The added benefit of the rotation will help transfer rotational power which is crucial for every type of combat athlete. 



2. Deadstart Rotational Clean

Being able to pull explosively from an off-set position rotationally will come in handy in...

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Sean Hayes Interview with Aaron Guyett on The LivingFit Show


In this weeks episode of The LivingFit Show, Aaron sits down with the Director of Strength and Conditioning  at WWE Performance Center, Sean Hayes! 

Sean Hayes: 

- Work year round with over 140 WWE/NXT athletes both in Orlando, FL and in London, UK

- Former Assistant Strength Coach at Houston Texans (‘14-‘15)

- Former Assistant Strength Coach at Penn State University (‘12-‘13). Football, Women’s Lacrosse

- Former Linebacker for Harvard University (All Ivy ‘09)



Check out more interviews and articles from Marcus Martinez and Aaron Guyett in the blog, or get full versions by subscribing to our membership here:  https://www.living.fit/kettlebell-workout-plans-and-memberships


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