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Mallory Reilly on The Living.Fit Show with Aaron Guyett

Uncategorized Nov 09, 2021

Kettlebell training is my medicine. I am here to share that healing with you. Kettlebell training is not only one the most effective means of physical and mental strength development but will put you on a path of self-awareness that is essential for growth and transformation. It's not a trend, I have ten years of studying and practicing that has led me to this passion.

  • Occupational Therapy MS
  • Psychology & Wellness Management BA 
  • National Academy of Sports Medicine Personal Trainer
  • Adaptive Special Needs Certified Trainer
  • Russian Kettlebell Certified (RKC) Instructor
  • StrongFirst Kettlebell Certified Instructor
  • Kettlebells for Athletic Performance
  • Functional Movement Systems Level II Certified
  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (coming soon!)


As a  therapist and coach with years of experience in outpatient clinics, schools, and hospitals with people of all ages, I am no stranger to the gifts that lie in the medicine of movement within the body. I will lead you through a safe, inspiring, effective, experience that will leave you feeling empowered.




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