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Jason Khalipa on The Living.Fit Show with Aaron Guyett


Jason Khalipa was the 2008 CrossFit Champion, and received the Spirit of the Games award at the 2009 CrossFit Games. He is the founder and CEO of NCFIT.

A very likeable guy, he is very serious about his training in fitness and in BJJ. He trains many different types of athletes and people. He is really stoked on BJJ, and has started to help create programming to help the Jiu Jitsu athletes.

NCFIT has several locations, and their programming can be found across the globe through their app.

If you liked the interview on Living.Fit, check out him, his app, and company at these links:

 Check out the full interview on Youtube: https://youtu.be/Z04dioiVsYc

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Omero Rangel on The Living.Fit Show with Aaron Guyett


From Omero Rangel:

“Hey there my name is Omero Rangel, but you can call me Coach O. I am a movement performance coach and enjoy using battle ropes, kettlebells, suspension training and medicine balls to train my athletes. I was born and raised in California and currently reside in Sacramento. I started my fitness journey at the age of 12, when getting bigger, stronger and faster for baseball and football was the goal. I began personal training at the age of 21 which about 15 years ago and haven’t stopped since!! As I gained more knowledge through school and other avenues I realized there was much more to human movement than I ever imagined. My training style has changed tremendously from when I first started and continues to evolve on a daily basis. By continuing my education and striving to be a master of my field I hope to make a greater impact on the lives that surround me.

I specialize in coaching people to become...

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Alpha Hippie Angelo Sisco Interview with Aaron Guyett


About Angelo Sisco
Angelo Sisco is an international speaker, guide, and head coach at Alpha Hippie. Angelo has dedicated himself to empowering men who are overwhelmed and are stuck in a cycle of stress and burnout. Angelo has helped thousands of men reconnect to their mission and rebuild their lifestyle so they can enjoy their lives and get back to crushing it both personally and professionally. 

About Alpha Hippie


Our coaches have been through their own challenges in overcoming their limitations, just like you.

As a team, we have worked with men of all walks of life – entrepreneurs, CEO’s, professional athletes, consultants and everyday people.

In fact, most of our clients are regular guys who want to get over their old BS and finally start living a fulfilling life they are proud to live.



Connect with Angelo & Alpha Hippie:

Website | https://www.iamalphahippie.com/

Instagram |@iamalphahippie

Facebook | ...

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Dr. Andy Galpin Interview with Aaron Guyett


Director of Education: Andy is a tenured Professor in the Center for Sport Performance at CSU Fullerton. He was born and raised in beautiful Rochester, WA and is a die-hard Seahawks, Huskies, & Mariner fan. RIP Sonics. As a youth, Andy played every sport at his disposal, excelling at Football, Basketball, Baseball, and Track & Field. While not playing, he worked at grocery stores, gas stations, hay fields, blueberry farms, and in the road construction business. It was during this time he discovered Strength & Conditioning. 



Andy took his limited talents to Linfield College to join their Football team and pursue a degree in Exercise Science. While he experienced great success in both (2004 National Championship and 2x Captain and immediate inductee into the "All Ugly" Team), the true reward of this time was the meeting of lifelong friend (Doug Larson). The two fed each other's pursuit of knowledge of human performance and led them to attend the...

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Why is Mobility Important for Training?


Jumping into a workout without some kind of warmup is about as smart as starting your car and then hitting the pedal to the medal. When it comes to warming up there are many ways to give it a go. From some light calisthenics, to steady state cardio, to warm up sets before big lifts, but our favorite is joint mobility training. 

Mobility training through dynamic joint mobility drills or using a more in depth system such as FRC will prepare and lubricate the joints before putting them through the rigors of strength training. 

Mobility drills allow you to assess where your body is at the given time so you have a map to move through. It’s not just about your muscles, ligaments, and tendons. It’s also about your nervous system so putting each joint complex through the ranges you feel comfortable with will allow you to push harder through your session or scale back where you should. 

It’s important to find the capacity that you have so that you...

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Dennis and Neal of Stickmobility on The Living.Fit Show with Marcus and Aaron


Dennis Dunphy Bio:

Dennis’s first endeavor as a fitness professional began in 1999 at 24 Hour Fitness and soon after started his own training business. Many of his clients are 40+ who experience physical issues and pain, and his greatest reward comes from helping others improve physically and mentally. His journey has led to an ever-increasing knowledge of the human body and how all the body’s systems work in unison, which led him to co-create Stick Mobility in 2015 to help others achieve better movement and health.

What I do, how I do it, why I do it.

My life has always been fueled by sports and human movement. It’s something that I’ve always been passionate about. Sports were always present year round whether it was hockey, baseball, football, basketball, gymnastics, swimming, tennis, or horseback riding. Games of chess, bowling, horse shoes, or billiards were always in my wheelhouse. I have noticed this variety has carried over to my career as a movement...

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