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Why is Mobility Important for Training?


Jumping into a workout without some kind of warmup is about as smart as starting your car and then hitting the pedal to the medal. When it comes to warming up there are many ways to give it a go. From some light calisthenics, to steady state cardio, to warm up sets before big lifts, but our favorite is joint mobility training. 

Mobility training through dynamic joint mobility drills or using a more in depth system such as FRC will prepare and lubricate the joints before putting them through the rigors of strength training. 

Mobility drills allow you to assess where your body is at the given time so you have a map to move through. It’s not just about your muscles, ligaments, and tendons. It’s also about your nervous system so putting each joint complex through the ranges you feel comfortable with will allow you to push harder through your session or scale back where you should. 

It’s important to find the capacity that you have so that you...

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Lateral Waves for Every Combat Athlete


If you are looking for one exercise to rule them all, and you are a combat athlete, might I suggest the Battle Ropes Latera Waves.

You see combat athletes need INCREDIBLE POWER in their transverse plane, whether they are kicking, punching, throwing, or grappling, they will be dominated without rotational power.



The lateral wave is the same rotational movement that is involved in any of those combat sports feats. The mover is using her ground force reaction starting at the foot and ending at the fingertips to generate the most power-packed human movement possible.

You can train rotation with lateral waves in all three metabolic pathways:

  • Power (Alactic or Phosphagen) - for those knock-out hooks, body shots, kicks or throws that make the crowd go wild. Use 5 to 10 seconds of max effort followed by 1 to 3 minutes of rest for 3 to 10 rounds.
  • Strength (Lactic or Glycolytic) - for overpowering your opponent, and ensuring your pressure game is on point. Use 20 to 40 seconds...
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3 Kettlebell Snatches for Rotational Power


The kettlebell snatch is a powerful movement that builds full body strength and power. Once you’ve mastered the basics it’s time to get some rotation in! Here are three variations that will give you a new movement to master as well as build rotational power. 

For each of these variations it’s crucial to have the “float” at the top to allow for the bell to finish in the overhead position without slamming on your forearm. Regardless of what orientation or degree of rotation you’re in, maintain enough tension throughout your torso and during the movement itself to avoid putting too much pressure on your lower back. 

 1. Deadstart Rotational Snatch

This variation will require the least amount of coordination since you’ll be moving the bell vertically and across the body. There is no drop in the variation so you’ll only be getting the concentric pull.



2. Half Rotational Snatch

This variation will have the bell...

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Jacquelyn Umof with Marcus Martinez on the Living.Fit Show


8 Hamstrings Stretches to Boost Your Yoga Practice

Jacquelyn Umof 

Hamstring flexibility plays a major role in your yoga practice development. Many people are after poses, like handstands, that require the posterior chain to be loose enough to achieve those challenging poses.

To access the full movement of your hamstrings, the yoga practice presents a series of increasingly difficult forward folds. Even reaching full boat pose (navasana) when working your core requires hamstring flexibility.

Two key principles are needed in order to safely attempt this movement — how to safely go deeper in your hamstring stretch, and how to relax all of the muscles that surround your hamstring — neither of the two is as easy as it sounds.



Each pose below will target a different area of the back of the legs to help loosen you up.

Most importantly, it’s important to never quickly enter or exit a stretch. Give the pose and your body the respect it deserves, and...

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What is the Minimum Space Athlete Program?


Minimum Space Athlete is a 30 day follow-along Bodyweight program helping the beginner, intermediate, and advance practitioner: build strength, improve athleticism, lose fat, and build an injury proof body.

We just launched Minimum Space Athlete. Check it out here for a reduced price: https://www.living.fit/minimum-space-athlete-is-here

This is a program that you can do, whether you have equipment or you don’t have equipment, whether you are just getting started or you have been training for years, whether you want a short and sweet workout or you want to get in the zone for an hour each day...this program is for all of us that are looking to lose fat, build strength, and improve mobility.

It is a one time purchase and you have access forever! Repeat the plan as many times as you like!

What You Will Need in Equipment & Experience:

  • Space to do a push-up

  • Your Body

What You Will Get:

  • Indefinite Access to the plan and movement library

  • Log in or get daily emails...

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5 Ways to Build Gorilla Strength with the Pull-up

If I was stranded on a desert island and could only have one piece of equipment to train a fighter at any level (who would apparently only be fighting me) it would have to be a good ‘ol fashioned pull up bar and a kettlebell. Yes, that’s two pieces. I also break the rules.
The ground can give you a fantastic strength and conditioning session with calisthenics, plyometrics, body flows, and more, but the pull up bar will help you build a powerful upper body, grip and core..all crucial for the strength to survive in your deserted predicament.
There are many reasons you should be doing (a lot) of pull ups and variations and I don’t just mean throwing in a couple of half-assed sets towards the end of your workout. 
Reason #1 - It hits a lot of muscles at once
Let’s get the obvious reason out of the way that the pull up and it’s friends are compound movements that will give you the most bang for your buck. With each pull you...
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