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Rachel Prairie Interview with Aaron Guyett


Rachel Prairie, NASM-CPT, Reiki, FAI, PPSC, Living.Fit

Anytime Fitness Manager of Exercise Programming

15 years as a fitness professional Rachel loves to help people connect to themselves, each other and the planet in order to get healthy and stay healthy. As Manager of Exercise Programming for Self Esteem Brands – Anytime Fitness, the largest fitness franchise in the world, she trains trainers and provides operations, technology, advocacy and services to make healthy happen for people across the globe. Rachel is an entrepreneur who’s operated Prairie Fitness for over 10 years and runs wellness retreats, localized pop-up fitness classes, and hosts online kettlebell certifications through the Functional Aging Institute.

Watch the FULL 40 minute interview here: https://www.living.fit/products/living-fit-multimedia/categories/1922292/posts/2151302563

Check out more interviews and articles from Marcus Martinez and Aaron Guyett in the blog, or get full versions by subscribing to our membership here:  https://www.living.fit/kettlebell-workout-plans-and-memberships


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