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Top 5 Bodyweight Exercises to Burn Fat

  1. Squat Jump
  2. Lunge/Split Squat
  3. Deck Squat
  4. Mountain Climber
  5. Kicksit

Squat Jump

If you are just beginning we will just reach for the sky and come up on our tip-toes. If you are ready for more, we are going to focus more on keeping quality form and control during the landing. For advanced practitioners, you are going to increase the depth and height of your jump.




Slow Lunge - Stepping Lunge - Lunge Jump Switch

Deck Squat

Slow Deck Squat with Assistance - Smooth Deck Squat - Explosive Deck Squat

Mountain Climber

Slow Stepping - Jumping from Position to Position - Add Speed


Slow and steady - speed it up - as fast as possible!


If you are looking for a fitness program to burn fat and build muscle but you don't have much space to workout, check out Minimum Space Athlete here: https://www.living.fit/minimum-space-athlete-perfect-for-you

By: Aaron Guyett, M.A., B.S., CSCS, TSAC-F, FRAs, FRCms

Education Director and Master Coach of Battle Ropes

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