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Denis Vasilev on The Living.Fit Show


From Orange Kettlebell Club:


“Who is Denis Vasilev?


Our Master Coach, Denis Vasilev, is one of the top kettlebell lifters ever. Undefeated in competition for over 10 years, Denis has won multiple world championships and he has set multiple world records. Don't be shy. If you have ever wanted to learn about lifting bells this is your best chance.

Denis has been one of the most pivotal people in Kettlebell Sport history. His records and championships aside, Denis has travelled all over the world for the past several years helping to establish new clubs and develop the sport on the professional and club levels. We are so fortunate to have him with the OKC and training in Berkeley and Pinole!


Denis has been one of the most pivotal people in Kettlebell Sport history. His records and championships aside, Denis has travelled all over the world for the past several years helping to establish new clubs and develop the sport on the professional and club levels. We...

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Picking the Right Kettlebell Weight


“What size kettlebell should I get?”


This question pops up every single week so hopefully this will shed some light! 


The weight you choose will always be dependent on your goal. If you’re fairly well-versed with the technique of the exercise you’re doing then the weight will be determined by the rep range you’re working in. If you’re new to kettlebells then there’s a learning curve you’ll want to master before selecting the right weight for the rep range. It’s going to be more about perfecting the technique.


As a general rule err on the side of caution and start light. The focus should be on getting used to the uniqueness of the weight from the position of the rack to the overhead position and handling the bell. Once that’s been achieved then we can start moving (slowly) with the bell. From there we can add some speed based on the movement you're performing. 

If you’re wondering on...

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Single Kettlebell Vs Double Kettlebell

kettlebell Sep 21, 2021

The only thing that’s more powerful than kettlebell training for getting you stronger, leaner and more athletic is...two kettlebells! 

It’s easy to get swept up into the vastness of kettlebell training and all of its many benefits. Once you get one, you’ll want another and then another. Some factors to consider when using kettlebells is your proficiency with the different movements. 


Single bell kettlebell exercises (especially the ballistic movements) are far more technical than traditional exercises and two bells adds to the difficulty. The first step is to make sure you can execute single kettlebell exercises with precision and control. Single bell work is great for adding in hand to hand exercises, flow and rotation. Just by using the one bell you’ll create a need for greater stability to avoid leaning or folding under the pressure of the weight helping you build incredible core strength.

Adding a second bell will definitely add to the...

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Are Kettlebells better than Dumbbells? Dumbbells Vs Kettlebells


Dumbbells vs Kettlebells….

This question pops up all the time from well-intentioned, inquisitive trainees to the person trying to downplay the benefits of the kettlebell. The answer is pretty simple; use both. There...article over. However, if you’d like to know a little more why, then keep reading.

Let’s start with the anatomical differences. The most obvious one being that the kettlebell has a handle with the weight at the end. This creates an unbalanced nature to even simple exercises like squats and presses. Since the weight isn’t balanced on both sides like a dumbbell this creates extra tension pulling in one direction that creates a greater need for stability. This is why the first time you grab a kettlebell of the same size of a dumbbell it feels significantly heavier and more awkward. 

This has it’s pros and cons. Pros being that it creates a slightly different training stimulus. The con being that while the bell is in the racked...

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3 Common Mistakes with the Kettlebell Swing


The Kettlebell is a dynamic exercise that will build a stronger, more powerful athlete. With great power comes....you know where I’m going.

The responsibility lies on your shoulders to make sure you make the most from the movement without injuring yourself or your client. Here are three common mistakes that most new trainees make with kettlebell swings and how to fix them.



Mistake #1: Lacking stability in your feet.

Whether you’re swinging from a bilateral stance or performing walking swings, staggered swings, etc. you want to make sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground. As the weight is moving it’s constantly trying to move your center of gravity with it. This is why it’s important to use shoes that are thin enough to create a strong connection between your feet and the floor. Practice rooting your  entire foot and toes into the ground before you do anything ballistic. Feel the connection throughout your lower limbs all the way...

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How To Gauge Intensity for Your Workouts


How To Gauge Intensity for Your Workouts

By: Aaron Guyett

Intensity is this ambiguous term for most of us...but we can help you gauge it for progress.

Intensity is usually correlated with weight or perceived exertion, and it can be very helpful to know when to ramp up or lower down the intensity for your fitness results.

What weight should I use for what intensity?



Light weight will usually result in low intensity, which can be helpful if you are trying to grow your muscular endurance or aerobic efficiency, however it will not help with you booty gains, muscular gains, or improving your basal metabolic rate (the amount of calories you burn at rest).

Choose your weight, exertion, and intensity based on your programming, and if you aren’t sure how to program to create a certain results, check out our programs here:

Workout Plans or Memberships Here

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Are Your Workouts a Waste of Time?


When you’re a high-level athlete where a fraction of difference in your performance can be the difference between silver and gold your training needs to match with incredible specificity and consistent intensity. For the rest of us, it’s important to assess why we're working out and what results we’re looking for. In this world of fitness it’s common for people to draw lines in the sand and designate something as a waste of time. Slow, low intensity cardio, walking, flow, kettlebells, isolation exercises, HIIT, and the list goes on. 



What about if you can get better results doing something else? What if all the research indicates that type X cardio will give you what you want at a faster rate than type Y? Most people will go all in at least for a little while. What’s more important is which cardio or type of training will get you results even if it takes a little longer IF it’s something you enjoy and will actually be...

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3 Kettlebell Snatches for Rotational Power


The kettlebell snatch is a powerful movement that builds full body strength and power. Once you’ve mastered the basics it’s time to get some rotation in! Here are three variations that will give you a new movement to master as well as build rotational power. 

For each of these variations it’s crucial to have the “float” at the top to allow for the bell to finish in the overhead position without slamming on your forearm. Regardless of what orientation or degree of rotation you’re in, maintain enough tension throughout your torso and during the movement itself to avoid putting too much pressure on your lower back. 

 1. Deadstart Rotational Snatch

This variation will require the least amount of coordination since you’ll be moving the bell vertically and across the body. There is no drop in the variation so you’ll only be getting the concentric pull.



2. Half Rotational Snatch

This variation will have the bell...

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Intensify Your Battle Rope Workout with these 5 Variations


Battle Ropes are already intensity in ten cities, but if you are ready to level up with them...check these 5 Variations to Intensify your battle rope training: 



  1. Tall Kneeling - This position allows you to understand how much your legs give you power, even if you are just doing an “upper body exercise” like the alternating waves or lateral waves. The tall kneeling still allows you to use your hips and torso to generate force for and through your upper body and arms.
  2. Half-Kneeling Right - I choose half-kneeling if I am trying to “turn-on” one of my glutes or get more muscular activation through one glute at a time. This will help force unilateral engagement and activation.
  3. Half-Kneeling Left - Don’t forget to use both sides, unless there is a radical asymmetry in your musculature and engagement...no one wants to walk in circles from too much engagement on one side over the other.
  4. Seated - If you thought your abs and upper back were...
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How to Train in the Park with Bells and Ropes


Alright, so let’s say you only have a kettlebell and a battle rope...how do you get a good workout?

We talk through a few methods to think about getting the most bang for your time, when you want to get a great workout at the local park with just a kettlebell and a battle rope.

Aaron breaks down battle rope set-ups, and then they jump right into the workout.


Think about a basic full body workout:

  1. Starting with Power, Speed, and Explosive work at the beginning - Marcus and Aaron also break down sets, reps, movement pattern development, and planes of motion.
    1. Battle Rope Rainbows
    2. Split Jerks
  2. Strength is next ***And then this is where your video stops if you watched this on social media or you are watching this on our blog. To get a longer version, but not the full version, subscribe to our Reading and Demonstrations with just your email address. If you want the full versions of all or our video breakdowns and Living.Fit Show, subscribe to one of our memberships...
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