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Picking the Right Kettlebell Weight


“What size kettlebell should I get?”


This question pops up every single week so hopefully this will shed some light! 


The weight you choose will always be dependent on your goal. If you’re fairly well-versed with the technique of the exercise you’re doing then the weight will be determined by the rep range you’re working in. If you’re new to kettlebells then there’s a learning curve you’ll want to master before selecting the right weight for the rep range. It’s going to be more about perfecting the technique.


As a general rule err on the side of caution and start light. The focus should be on getting used to the uniqueness of the weight from the position of the rack to the overhead position and handling the bell. Once that’s been achieved then we can start moving (slowly) with the bell. From there we can add some speed based on the movement you're performing. 

If you’re wondering on...

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Kelly Matthews Interview with Aaron Guyett


A Little Bit From Kelly Matthews

I’m originally from the Boston area but I moved to Austin, Texas this January (I love it!). I grew up a very active kid and ended up focusing on soccer in high school and then went on to play Division 1 at Northeastern University--the third of my siblings to do so. I got my personal training certification shortly after graduating and started my first training job at Equinox Sports Club. I spent almost 7 years with Equinox before making the decision to start my own business. Since then I’ve been working virtually and growing my online business while enjoying lovely Austin, playing futsal, raising a dog and a kitten and swinging lots of kettlebells.



My work has changed so much in the last year! I was training exclusively in-person for a really long time and like many other trainers, I quickly pivoted to virtual training when the pandemic hit. I thought I would hate it, but I actually loved having the ability to still connect...

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Are Kettlebells better than Dumbbells? Dumbbells Vs Kettlebells


Dumbbells vs Kettlebells….

This question pops up all the time from well-intentioned, inquisitive trainees to the person trying to downplay the benefits of the kettlebell. The answer is pretty simple; use both. There...article over. However, if you’d like to know a little more why, then keep reading.

Let’s start with the anatomical differences. The most obvious one being that the kettlebell has a handle with the weight at the end. This creates an unbalanced nature to even simple exercises like squats and presses. Since the weight isn’t balanced on both sides like a dumbbell this creates extra tension pulling in one direction that creates a greater need for stability. This is why the first time you grab a kettlebell of the same size of a dumbbell it feels significantly heavier and more awkward. 

This has it’s pros and cons. Pros being that it creates a slightly different training stimulus. The con being that while the bell is in the racked...

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3 Common Mistakes with the Kettlebell Swing


The Kettlebell is a dynamic exercise that will build a stronger, more powerful athlete. With great power comes....you know where I’m going.

The responsibility lies on your shoulders to make sure you make the most from the movement without injuring yourself or your client. Here are three common mistakes that most new trainees make with kettlebell swings and how to fix them.



Mistake #1: Lacking stability in your feet.

Whether you’re swinging from a bilateral stance or performing walking swings, staggered swings, etc. you want to make sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground. As the weight is moving it’s constantly trying to move your center of gravity with it. This is why it’s important to use shoes that are thin enough to create a strong connection between your feet and the floor. Practice rooting your  entire foot and toes into the ground before you do anything ballistic. Feel the connection throughout your lower limbs all the way...

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Bill Esch on The Living.Fit Show with Aaron Guyett



Bill Esch has earned his title as the Kettlebell Warrior: He trained with Russian National Team coaches, competed in Kettlebell Sport for more than a decade, and was the first U.S. man to achieve the classification of “Master of Sport International Class.” In addition to being a kettlebell champion, he was also a Division I athlete in Football and competed in Collegiate Olympic Weightlifting. Bill has spent decades amassing knowledge about a multitude of fitness disciplines from Pilates and rehab to elite athletic training. 



In his 28 years of owning and working in gyms, Bill has had the privilege of coaching a wide range of people and abilities. For Bill, fitness is an art, and he uses his creativity to keep workouts fresh and clients inspired. Bill helps people defend their health and find the power within to change their lives!


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Got Guru?


By Aaron Guyett

Besides guru being a very fun and weird word to say...Marcus, Julia, and Aaron breakdown gurus and guruship on The Living.Fit Show.

What is a guru?

Think top of the mountain-style mentorship in any area or aspect of your life. This person has experience and education that can help you in your journey.



The Problem with Gurus

If someone is faking it, then they can really mislead and misinform you in their mentorship.

Find out more about gurus, the problem of gurus, and who the Living.Fit Master Coaches’ gurus are on this Living.Fit Show, and laugh a lot with the Master Coaches, too!

Check out more interviews and articles from Marcus Martinez and Aaron Guyett in the blog, or get full versions by subscribing to our membership here:  https://www.living.fit/kettlebell-workout-plans-and-memberships

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Fitness Business Changes in 2020 to 2021


By: Aaron Guyett

Obviously there have been some significant changes in the fitness industry, so we decided to talk about it.

In this video, Julia talks through her online only business and how it thrived, while Aaron and Marcus talk through how their level 4 groups helped each other navigate the changes and succeed during the volatile changes for in-person fitness in 2020 and 2021.

If you found this helpful and you are looking to join the combined Level 4 group that is comprised of trainers, gym owners, fitness managers, education directors, and more, check it out here: Combined Level 4



What you get with Level 4

In-person access to research-based educators that successfully grew and sold their personal training companies and fitness gyms. And combined have over 35 years of experience in the fitness industry.

You also get support and encouragement from like-minded fitness operators. Level 4 members are gym owners, fitness managers, personal trainers, education...

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How To Gauge Intensity for Your Workouts


How To Gauge Intensity for Your Workouts

By: Aaron Guyett

Intensity is this ambiguous term for most of us...but we can help you gauge it for progress.

Intensity is usually correlated with weight or perceived exertion, and it can be very helpful to know when to ramp up or lower down the intensity for your fitness results.

What weight should I use for what intensity?



Light weight will usually result in low intensity, which can be helpful if you are trying to grow your muscular endurance or aerobic efficiency, however it will not help with you booty gains, muscular gains, or improving your basal metabolic rate (the amount of calories you burn at rest).

Choose your weight, exertion, and intensity based on your programming, and if you aren’t sure how to program to create a certain results, check out our programs here:

Workout Plans or Memberships Here

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Top 5 Kettlebell Moves for Combat Athletes



Strength and conditioning workouts for combat athletes have unique requirements. They should build the fighter’s strength in multiple planes and positions with an emphasis on grip and core strength, shoulder stability, and overall body awareness. Here are five movements that will strengthen you from head to toe, build your rotational power, increase your hip speed, and help you crush your enemies. Assuming you know how to fight. 


1. Staggered Alternating Rotational Swing 

Learning how to build power from the staggered position will carry over into just about every sport. Combine this with the benefits of the swing which include building glute and core strength, hip speed and power. The added benefit of the rotation will help transfer rotational power which is crucial for every type of combat athlete. 



2. Deadstart Rotational Clean

Being able to pull explosively from an off-set position rotationally will come in handy in...

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3 Kettlebell Snatches for Rotational Power


The kettlebell snatch is a powerful movement that builds full body strength and power. Once you’ve mastered the basics it’s time to get some rotation in! Here are three variations that will give you a new movement to master as well as build rotational power. 

For each of these variations it’s crucial to have the “float” at the top to allow for the bell to finish in the overhead position without slamming on your forearm. Regardless of what orientation or degree of rotation you’re in, maintain enough tension throughout your torso and during the movement itself to avoid putting too much pressure on your lower back. 

 1. Deadstart Rotational Snatch

This variation will require the least amount of coordination since you’ll be moving the bell vertically and across the body. There is no drop in the variation so you’ll only be getting the concentric pull.



2. Half Rotational Snatch

This variation will have the bell...

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