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Coach Jordan Harder Interview with Aaron Guyett


Jordan Harder is an athlete, coach and sneaker head. He studied Sports Psychology and Pre-Physical Therapy, while playing Lacrosse at Pacific Lutheran University.  

He helps people optimize and transform their life, not just through fitness, but with the mindsets, skill sets, and strategies needed to reach their goals. He is on a mission to show his clients that the only limits we have are the ones we put on ourselves.

Jordan Harder owns Harder Performance. Harder Performance is high-level coaching that will help you transform your fitness.  Harder’s coaching system is more than just a fitness routine...  he works with clients to help improve their mindsets, skillsets, and habits.



Harder Performance IS NOT…

For people thinking  who think they'll get results in a week.

A quick fix.

A cookie cutter training and nutrition program.

A restrictive/all or nothing approach to training and nutrition.

Harder Performance IS...

A proven system built around creating a phenomenal relationships with your body and mind.

For you if you want amazing long lasting results that all your friends wish they had.

For you if you want to avoid the common training mistakes that waste time and energy in the gym.

For you if you are looking to optimize your training, nutrition and mindset.

Jordan Harder’s training population is remarkably diverse; from the mother of two, to the active businessman or youth athletes, high level athletes, as well as the individual trying to manage their weight and lifestyle.

What Is Harder Performance?

Harder Performance is high-level coaching that will help you transform your fitness.  My coaching system is more than just a fitness routine...  I work with my clients to help improve their mindset, skillsets and habits to create elite transformations.  

Harder Performance Is Your New Family

Part of achieving and maintaining successful  results is having a community that pushes you to achieve your best.

That's what Harder Performance is all about. 

I have always thought of Harder Performance as a family business...  meaning that when you are with us you're family.

Check out more interviews and articles from Marcus Martinez and Aaron Guyett in the blog, or get full versions by subscribing to our membership here:  https://www.living.fit/kettlebell-workout-plans-and-memberships

Check out the full hour long interview here: https://www.living.fit/products/living-fit-multimedia/categories/1922292/posts/2151635671


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