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Why is Mobility Important for Training?


Jumping into a workout without some kind of warmup is about as smart as starting your car and then hitting the pedal to the medal. When it comes to warming up there are many ways to give it a go. From some light calisthenics, to steady state cardio, to warm up sets before big lifts, but our favorite is joint mobility training. 

Mobility training through dynamic joint mobility drills or using a more in depth system such as FRC will prepare and lubricate the joints before putting them through the rigors of strength training. 

Mobility drills allow you to assess where your body is at the given time so you have a map to move through. It’s not just about your muscles, ligaments, and tendons. It’s also about your nervous system so putting each joint complex through the ranges you feel comfortable with will allow you to push harder through your session or scale back where you should. 

It’s important to find the capacity that you have so that you...

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Are Your Workouts a Waste of Time?


When you’re a high-level athlete where a fraction of difference in your performance can be the difference between silver and gold your training needs to match with incredible specificity and consistent intensity. For the rest of us, it’s important to assess why we're working out and what results we’re looking for. In this world of fitness it’s common for people to draw lines in the sand and designate something as a waste of time. Slow, low intensity cardio, walking, flow, kettlebells, isolation exercises, HIIT, and the list goes on. 



What about if you can get better results doing something else? What if all the research indicates that type X cardio will give you what you want at a faster rate than type Y? Most people will go all in at least for a little while. What’s more important is which cardio or type of training will get you results even if it takes a little longer IF it’s something you enjoy and will actually be...

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Marcus and Aaron Talk Nutrition and Diet


Nutrition can be incredibly confusing.

Especially when you are trying to get specific results, and it doesn’t help that there are a lot of opposing views being marketed to us all of the time.

How do we clear a path to a better you?


As the Education Director for Living.Fit, I give a pretty simple and effective way to create lifelong change in your nutrition, by a small and slow and steady approach.

Marcus Martinez, our Kettlebell Master Coach, gives another incredibly simple way to make effective and easy changes to your nutrition.

Finding what works for you requires some experimentation and tracking. The best diet in the world might not be the best diet for you personally. It’s important to be mindful of the way your body responds to certain foods and meal timing. Even the “healthiest” foods in the world might cause a gut reaction that makes it less optimal for you. 

The same goes for meal timing. Fasting is all the rage and has helped many...

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Five 10 Minute Workouts To Burn More Fat


Burning fat is really more about increasing your metabolic engine, and burning more calories.

10 Minute Bodyweight Intensity with Aaron 1:20 to 11:46

  • Lunge-off right 10 reps
  • Lunge-off left 10 reps
  • Lateral Push-saws 10 reps each side
  • Supine Elbow-drivers 10 reps
  • Line-rotations 10 reps each side
  • Rest as needed and Repeat 3-5 Rounds

These workouts are from our Minimum Space Athlete 30 Day Workout plan. Find out more about that plan here!

10 Minute Bodyweight Burner Follow-along w/ Marcus 11:46 to 22:34

  • Hand Walkouts 5 Reps
  • Push-ups 5 Reps
  • World’s Greatest Stretch 5 Reps
  • Plank Hold
  • 1.5 Squats 5 Reps
  • .5 Squat Hold
  • Tabletop Position to Alternating Thoracic Bridge 5 Reps
  • Hollow Body Hold
  • Push-up to T 5 Reps
  • Side to Side Lunge 5 Reps’ish
  • Wide Stance Hand Walkout Circle 5 Reps
  • 1.5 Squats 10 Reps’ish
  • Alternating Forward Lunges 10 Reps’ish
  • Alternating T-Push-ups 10 Reps
  • Rock n Rolls/Deck Squats 5 Reps
  • Fast Squat/Squat Jumps 15 Reps

 10 Minute Battle Rope Burner...

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What is the Minimum Space Athlete Program?


Minimum Space Athlete is a 30 day follow-along Bodyweight program helping the beginner, intermediate, and advance practitioner: build strength, improve athleticism, lose fat, and build an injury proof body.

We just launched Minimum Space Athlete. Check it out here for a reduced price: https://www.living.fit/minimum-space-athlete-is-here

This is a program that you can do, whether you have equipment or you don’t have equipment, whether you are just getting started or you have been training for years, whether you want a short and sweet workout or you want to get in the zone for an hour each day...this program is for all of us that are looking to lose fat, build strength, and improve mobility.

It is a one time purchase and you have access forever! Repeat the plan as many times as you like!

What You Will Need in Equipment & Experience:

  • Space to do a push-up

  • Your Body

What You Will Get:

  • Indefinite Access to the plan and movement library

  • Log in or get daily emails...

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6 Tips For Smarter Fat Loss

fat loss marcus martinez Jun 23, 2020
  1. Focus on strength
  2. Decrease rest periods
  3. Be explosive
  4. Walk away the pounds
  5. Take a breath
  6. Sleep in

We just launched our new Fat loss program keeping these in mind and watch your body transform.

Ask nine out of ten random people on the street what their main goal is and you’ll get some variation of “I’d like to lose my spare tire.” Type “fat loss” into your interwebs machine and get ready for a smorgasbord of articles, tips, facts, and PLENTY of contradictory information. Eat this! Don’t eat that! Move like this! Don’t even think about moving like that! 

The other reality is that even when most people hit their goals they tend to gain that weight back at some point, causing them to repeat the cycle over and over (and over) again. It’s no wonder the fat loss portion of the fitness industry has grown exponentially over the last couple decades. 

After years of being on the searching end of info and going through...

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