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Bill Esch on The Living.Fit Show with Aaron Guyett



Bill Esch has earned his title as the Kettlebell Warrior: He trained with Russian National Team coaches, competed in Kettlebell Sport for more than a decade, and was the first U.S. man to achieve the classification of “Master of Sport International Class.” In addition to being a kettlebell champion, he was also a Division I athlete in Football and competed in Collegiate Olympic Weightlifting. Bill has spent decades amassing knowledge about a multitude of fitness disciplines from Pilates and rehab to elite athletic training. 



In his 28 years of owning and working in gyms, Bill has had the privilege of coaching a wide range of people and abilities. For Bill, fitness is an art, and he uses his creativity to keep workouts fresh and clients inspired. Bill helps people defend their health and find the power within to change their lives!


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Got Guru?


By Aaron Guyett

Besides guru being a very fun and weird word to say...Marcus, Julia, and Aaron breakdown gurus and guruship on The Living.Fit Show.

What is a guru?

Think top of the mountain-style mentorship in any area or aspect of your life. This person has experience and education that can help you in your journey.



The Problem with Gurus

If someone is faking it, then they can really mislead and misinform you in their mentorship.

Find out more about gurus, the problem of gurus, and who the Living.Fit Master Coaches’ gurus are on this Living.Fit Show, and laugh a lot with the Master Coaches, too!

Check out more interviews and articles from Marcus Martinez and Aaron Guyett in the blog, or get full versions by subscribing to our membership here:  https://www.living.fit/kettlebell-workout-plans-and-memberships

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Fitness Business Changes in 2020 to 2021


By: Aaron Guyett

Obviously there have been some significant changes in the fitness industry, so we decided to talk about it.

In this video, Julia talks through her online only business and how it thrived, while Aaron and Marcus talk through how their level 4 groups helped each other navigate the changes and succeed during the volatile changes for in-person fitness in 2020 and 2021.

If you found this helpful and you are looking to join the combined Level 4 group that is comprised of trainers, gym owners, fitness managers, education directors, and more, check it out here: Combined Level 4



What you get with Level 4

In-person access to research-based educators that successfully grew and sold their personal training companies and fitness gyms. And combined have over 35 years of experience in the fitness industry.

You also get support and encouragement from like-minded fitness operators. Level 4 members are gym owners, fitness managers, personal trainers, education...

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P.J Nestler Interview with Marcus Martinez on The LivingFit Show


PJ Nestler is a human performance specialist, international speaker, educator, and coach with extensive experience preparing the world’s top athletes for competition. In his 14+ years in the industry, Coach PJ has trained hundreds of athletes from the UFC, NFL, and NHL. 

He is highly sought after as an expert speaker and consultant in the areas of performance breathing, combat athlete preparation, mindset, and recovery working with US Military Tier 1 & 2 Special Operations groups, professional sports teams, and executives around the world.

In his current role as the Vice President of Performance at FitLab Inc, he is responsible for building education curriculums and translating the world’s best training systems from iconic athletes into authentic and exciting consumer experiences.



Check out more interviews and articles from Marcus Martinez and Aaron Guyett in the blog, or get full versions by subscribing to our membership here:  ...

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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Social Media Fitness


The fitness industry is a wild place. There are so many amazing coaches with phenomenal, useful information that can help a lot of people. On the flip side there’s a darkness to the industry wrought with vanity and potential danger. The key thing with the fitness industry is to be clear on what you want or what your clients need and tread carefully.  It’s easy to get lost in this world of comparison syndrome and highlight reels that even the best-intentioned coach can fall victim to. 



The Good:

The industry is primarily filled with passionate, well-meaning people looking to share their knowledge and help others. There are so many amazing people to connect with and form long lasting business and personal relationships with. This age of social media has highlighted more experts and methodologies than ever before which opens us up to new perspectives that can help us serve our clients even better.  

The Bad:

Comparison syndrome is a...

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