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Are Kettlebells better than Dumbbells? Dumbbells Vs Kettlebells


Dumbbells vs Kettlebells….

This question pops up all the time from well-intentioned, inquisitive trainees to the person trying to downplay the benefits of the kettlebell. The answer is pretty simple; use both. There...article over. However, if you’d like to know a little more why, then keep reading.

Let’s start with the anatomical differences. The most obvious one being that the kettlebell has a handle with the weight at the end. This creates an unbalanced nature to even simple exercises like squats and presses. Since the weight isn’t balanced on both sides like a dumbbell this creates extra tension pulling in one direction that creates a greater need for stability. This is why the first time you grab a kettlebell of the same size of a dumbbell it feels significantly heavier and more awkward. 

This has it’s pros and cons. Pros being that it creates a slightly different training stimulus. The con being that while the bell is in the racked...

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Lateral Waves for Every Combat Athlete


If you are looking for one exercise to rule them all, and you are a combat athlete, might I suggest the Battle Ropes Latera Waves.

You see combat athletes need INCREDIBLE POWER in their transverse plane, whether they are kicking, punching, throwing, or grappling, they will be dominated without rotational power.



The lateral wave is the same rotational movement that is involved in any of those combat sports feats. The mover is using her ground force reaction starting at the foot and ending at the fingertips to generate the most power-packed human movement possible.

You can train rotation with lateral waves in all three metabolic pathways:

  • Power (Alactic or Phosphagen) - for those knock-out hooks, body shots, kicks or throws that make the crowd go wild. Use 5 to 10 seconds of max effort followed by 1 to 3 minutes of rest for 3 to 10 rounds.
  • Strength (Lactic or Glycolytic) - for overpowering your opponent, and ensuring your pressure game is on point. Use 20 to 40 seconds...
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Top 5 Kettlebell Moves for Combat Athletes



Strength and conditioning workouts for combat athletes have unique requirements. They should build the fighter’s strength in multiple planes and positions with an emphasis on grip and core strength, shoulder stability, and overall body awareness. Here are five movements that will strengthen you from head to toe, build your rotational power, increase your hip speed, and help you crush your enemies. Assuming you know how to fight. 


1. Staggered Alternating Rotational Swing 

Learning how to build power from the staggered position will carry over into just about every sport. Combine this with the benefits of the swing which include building glute and core strength, hip speed and power. The added benefit of the rotation will help transfer rotational power which is crucial for every type of combat athlete. 



2. Deadstart Rotational Clean

Being able to pull explosively from an off-set position rotationally will come in handy in...

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3 Most Powerful Battle Rope Movements


What is power?

Power output is force times distance over time, or put in a simple way it is how much force you can generate over a specific distance within a certain amount of time. Think about a squat repetition...if you load more weight on the bar, squat deeper, and do it faster, it will create far more power output than if you take weights off of the bar, do quarter squats, and do the rep slower, your power output will be drastically reduced.



The same physics works with battle ropes.

If moving more slack in the rope makes me produce more force, and I move over a greater distance, and I do each repetition faster, I am going to produce far more power output, than if I have too much tension in the rope, move it just a short distance per rep, and move the rope slower, my power output will be drastically reduced.

With that in mind, why would we use arc movements like rainbows, smiles, and figure eights to help produce more power output?

On top of the physics of power...

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How to Get Just a Little Bit More from Your Workouts


Most people want it all and they want it yesterday. Having goals with your training and physique are important, but when you spread yourself too thin you end up further away from where you want to be. The best thing you can do to see results is get clear on what you want to achieve the most and then stay consistent with anything that supports that.



Finding the perfect program is a trap. There is no perfect program. The key is to stick to a program long enough to see the results you intended to get with it. Tracking and assessing are all part of the results process. When you jump from program to program you sabotage yourself and make sure the results take as long as humanly possible (if they ever come at all).

When you stick to a program for at least 3-4 weeks, be consistent with the plan and put everything you’ve got into it you’d be shocked at how well it serves you. We love hearing about people who’ve gone through our programs like Minimum Space...

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3 Kettlebell Snatches for Rotational Power


The kettlebell snatch is a powerful movement that builds full body strength and power. Once you’ve mastered the basics it’s time to get some rotation in! Here are three variations that will give you a new movement to master as well as build rotational power. 

For each of these variations it’s crucial to have the “float” at the top to allow for the bell to finish in the overhead position without slamming on your forearm. Regardless of what orientation or degree of rotation you’re in, maintain enough tension throughout your torso and during the movement itself to avoid putting too much pressure on your lower back. 

 1. Deadstart Rotational Snatch

This variation will require the least amount of coordination since you’ll be moving the bell vertically and across the body. There is no drop in the variation so you’ll only be getting the concentric pull.



2. Half Rotational Snatch

This variation will have the bell...

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