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Dennis and Neal of Stickmobility on The Living.Fit Show with Marcus and Aaron


Dennis Dunphy Bio:

Dennis’s first endeavor as a fitness professional began in 1999 at 24 Hour Fitness and soon after started his own training business. Many of his clients are 40+ who experience physical issues and pain, and his greatest reward comes from helping others improve physically and mentally. His journey has led to an ever-increasing knowledge of the human body and how all the body’s systems work in unison, which led him to co-create Stick Mobility in 2015 to help others achieve better movement and health.

What I do, how I do it, why I do it.

My life has always been fueled by sports and human movement. It’s something that I’ve always been passionate about. Sports were always present year round whether it was hockey, baseball, football, basketball, gymnastics, swimming, tennis, or horseback riding. Games of chess, bowling, horse shoes, or billiards were always in my wheelhouse. I have noticed this variety has carried over to my career as a movement...

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