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Marcus and Aaron Talk Nutrition and Diet


Nutrition can be incredibly confusing.

Especially when you are trying to get specific results, and it doesn’t help that there are a lot of opposing views being marketed to us all of the time.

How do we clear a path to a better you?


As the Education Director for Living.Fit, I give a pretty simple and effective way to create lifelong change in your nutrition, by a small and slow and steady approach.

Marcus Martinez, our Kettlebell Master Coach, gives another incredibly simple way to make effective and easy changes to your nutrition.

Finding what works for you requires some experimentation and tracking. The best diet in the world might not be the best diet for you personally. It’s important to be mindful of the way your body responds to certain foods and meal timing. Even the “healthiest” foods in the world might cause a gut reaction that makes it less optimal for you. 

The same goes for meal timing. Fasting is all the rage and has helped many...

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