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How to Get Just a Little Bit More from Your Workouts


Most people want it all and they want it yesterday. Having goals with your training and physique are important, but when you spread yourself too thin you end up further away from where you want to be. The best thing you can do to see results is get clear on what you want to achieve the most and then stay consistent with anything that supports that.



Finding the perfect program is a trap. There is no perfect program. The key is to stick to a program long enough to see the results you intended to get with it. Tracking and assessing are all part of the results process. When you jump from program to program you sabotage yourself and make sure the results take as long as humanly possible (if they ever come at all).

When you stick to a program for at least 3-4 weeks, be consistent with the plan and put everything you’ve got into it you’d be shocked at how well it serves you. We love hearing about people who’ve gone through our programs like Minimum Space Athlete or Kettlebell Origins who’ve busted through plateaus and body-fat set points purely by being consistent and pushing themselves a little more each time.

Check out more interviews and articles from Marcus Martinez and Aaron Guyett in the blog, or get full versions by subscribing to our membership here:  https://www.living.fit/kettlebell-workout-plans-and-memberships


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