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Sometimes I Curl In the Squat Rack with The Living.Fit Show


Aaron Guyett, our Education Director starts off a little crazy with curling in the squat rack, or squatting in the curl rack, but it soon finds practical ground as Marcus, Julia, and Aaron talk through aesthetics and training.

This show is a blast, because it is all about that space where functionality meets aesthetics.

Whether you are after performance, strength, power, endurance, fat loss, or muscle growth, we all have exercises that can be misunderstood.



Aaron, Julia, and Marcus breakdown training to look good, even if we are training with other goals in mind.

Whether you are curling in the squat rack or you are squatting in the curl rack, we have something for you in this video.

For programs that help you with both check out: https://www.kettlebellkings.com/workout-plans/

Check out more interviews and articles from Marcus Martinez and Aaron Guyett in the blog, or get full versions by subscribing to our membership here:  ...

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