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On The Line: Jackass and Wildboyz Star Chris Pontius


In this week's edition of On the Line, Tommy sits down with Jackass and Wildboyz star "Partyboy" Chris Pontius. Some of the topics discussed...

-Upcoming NEW film Jackass 4.

-Will this years Shark Week be the BEST EVER?

-Chris's mishap at the Mexican border.

-How did Chris became the g-string guy?

-What stunts he refused to do or never materialized the way they expected.



You can watch an extended 11 minute version of this video on our YouTube, or you can watch the FULL 30 minute exclusive interview by subscribing to our membership!!

YouTube- https://youtu.be/pJi4rCbWx6s

Full 30 minute interview: https://www.living.fit/kettlebell-workout-plans-and-memberships



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