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Wounded Warrior Interview with Aaron Guyett


David Veros served in the US Air Force from 2004 through 2012 where after multiple deployments to Iraq he sustained injuries, both physically and mentally.  These injuries, PTSD and TBI, took their toll and he was medically retired in 2012.  David is a Purple Heart recipient, Air Force Combat Action Medal, Air Force Accommodation Medal, and Air Force Achievement with Valor device to name a few.  In 2018 David participated in the Wounded Warrior Project Physical Health and Wellness Coaching Program.  Through this program David has lost weight, gained flexibility, and improved his confidence. 


Currently David is a Warrior Support Specialist for the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) Resource Center. He has worked at WWP for over six years supporting our nations warriors and their families. The WWP Resource Center connects individuals with resources as applicable. Through the knowledge of internal and external resources David gives warriors a path towards transition and success after service.   


  • Wounded Warrior Project FY2020 Impact
  • Physical Health and Wellness Coaching Program Brochure


  • Timeline: Physical Health and Wellness Coaching Program 
    • Month 1
    • Pre-Expo Cohort Call + Sleep/Breath presentation
    • Coaching Call #1
    • Expo (2.5 day kickoff event: fitness, nutrition, mobility, sleep, SMART goals)
    • Back to Basics Nutrition presentation
    • Coaching call #2
    • Cohort Check-in Call #1
    • Month 2
    • Coaching calls #3-#4
    • Cohort Check-in Call #2
    • 1:1 with nutritionist
    • Month 3
    • Final coaching call & Post-program goals set
    • Cohort Check-in Call #3


  • Physical Health and Wellness Coaching Program Metrics (fiscal year 2020)
    • 47% improved by 2-points or more on the VR-12 Physical Component Score
    • 55% improved by 2-points or more on the VR-12 Mental Component Score
    • 8,659 lbs lost
    • 64% of participants are meeting the American standards for physical activity guidelines after their participation on PH&W coached program (GPAQ – Physical Activity (Global Physical Activity Questionnaire))
    • 34% Improved Mobility by 30% from baseline
    • 53% improved sleep (PSQI – Sleep (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index))
    • 48% experienced reduction in pain (PEG-3 – Pain (Pain, Enjoyment, General Activity Scale))
    • 19% reduced dosage or frequency of medication
    • 29% reduced depression symptoms (PHQ-8 – Depression Severity (opt-in) (Patient Health Questionnaire))

Check out more interviews and articles from Marcus Martinez and Aaron Guyett in the blog, or get full versions by subscribing to our membership here:  https://www.living.fit/kettlebell-workout-plans-and-memberships



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